CALLED TO RADICAL DISCIPLESHIP! To Whom It May Concern, Feb. 20, 2016 I am starting to read through your articles and was wondering if you have a training program that people living in different states can take? If so may I receive more information about that? Further, I feel God calling me to a radical discipleship of Christ which requires pushing my physical body in my studies here at the College for Officer Training and eliminating distractions and a carnal diet of sweets etc... and such a life that honors God in a way only possible by His Holy Spirit, that I may make the most of the education we are receiving in the Word of God, which anointed by The Holy Spirit will become red-hot Gospel shot in my future attacks on the enemy as a commissioned Lieutenant in a year and a half. I want to see communities on fire with love for The Living God and I know that Jesus desires to prepare me now for that calling. Any suggestions you may have for me to help me have faith and seriousness to live this strict life of devotion to Christ would be welcomed. In the words of General William Booth, "Yours for the Salvation of the World," Abraham J. Garrett, Cadet Joyful Intercessor The Salvation Army USA Eastern Territory College for Officer Training OUR RESPONSE Dear Abraham,Thanks for writing, may the Lord guide you in your search. We suggest that as you go over our website that you keep in mind that there is a price to pay for AGGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY and that is what we have done and continue to do. We know that the Salvation Army is no where near what they were in the days of William and Catherine Booth because they settled down for the approval of man rather than God. So consider you cannot serve two masters. Serve God with all your heart, be radical for His Kingdom, and He will guide you in battle. The other option is, please man, be acceptable to the world, and dead towards God. The modern Salvation Army is dead towards God. Why don't you do your best to stir them to life there, in that college you are in. We were once involved with the Salvation Army and they did not even try to get souls saved, because they were too busy with programs and acceptance than the eternal destiny of souls. Keep us informed and count the cost daily to follow Jesus, which means you give everything of this earth up for the furtherance of HIS KINGDOM. Read, the front page article, and also watch the Youtube link on the same page about the boy's body being exhumed from our community’s private graveyard and burial grounds. There is much persecution against us at this time and we are crying out to the Lord daily. Since you are an intercessor, intercede for us. We have been told by local sheriffs that they are conspiring to shut us down as a community. Why? Because the devil hates anybody who is aggressive for the Lord. Have a good day and expect to hear back from you. If you ever want to pass out literature we can send you some free! The Generals |